Lab News & Events

Unraveling how phages broaden their host range

Oct 24, 2018
A diversity-generating retroelement encoded by a globally ubiquitous Bacteroides phage

In the newest paper from the Rohwer lab published in Microbiome, Benler et. al. delve into how prophages are able to broaden their host range by utilizing diversity generating retroelements (DGRs) to alter the coding sequence of proteins typically containing a C-type lectin fold, suggesting these modifications alter the binding of phage particles to host cell membranes. One such prophage was identified within B. dori, Hankyphage. After successful induction and sequencing from B. dori, Hankyphage’s complete genome was detected in 13 different Bacteroides species at > 95% nucleotide identity, along with whole-community and viral metagenomes suggesting Hankyphage can infect a broad range of Bacteroides species in diverse environmental conditions.


Full, open access, article can be found below.

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Coral PAF and Lyso-PAF production at Coral-Coral Interface published

Aug 15, 2018

Before platelets: the production of platelet-activating factor during growth and stress in a basal marine organism

Recent work published in Royal Proceedings B this week demonstrates immune reaction and response at coral interfaces. Utilizing a multi-omic approach, Galtier d'Auriac et. al show elevated levels of immune response at coral-coral interfaces. This work contributes to unraveling the workings of competition and special utilization of coral at both small and large gradients.

Full, open access paper, can be found below. 

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